Contact us

Here at Carsmith Midlands, we like to make life as easy as we can for our customers across the Staffordshire area. Whether you’re in Stoke-on-Trent, Burton-on-Trent, or further afield, we always try to keep things simple. This includes how to contact us in the first place.
The easiest way is by phone. You can call us and speak to a friendly member of our team. They will discuss your requirements and arrange for one of our locksmiths to attend to your car as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can get in touch through our online contact form or via an email. All messages are checked at various points throughout our normal office hours, and someone will be in touch with you as soon as they can. Please note, while we check our inbox regularly, it is not monitored round-the-clock. If you have an auto locksmith emergency, be sure to call us in the first instance.

You can also visit us at our Uttoxeter workshop

Where you can speak to someone from the team in person. You can find us at 76 Stanley Crescent, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 7BD.